Chemical, Functional and Pasting Properties of Flour from Three Millet Varieties

Author Details

Eke-Ejiofor, J, Oparaodu, F.O

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Published: 16 September 2019 | Article Type :


Flour samples were prepared from different millet varieties (pearl, finger and fonio millet) using standard methods and subjected to chemical, functional and pasting properties. The functional properties of the millet flour ranged between 0.49-0.59(g/ml) for bulk density, 1.55-1.64(g/g) for oil absorption capacity, 1.60- 1.71(g/g) for water absorption capacity, 73-37.50(%) for dispersibility, 0.53-0.71(g/g) swelling power and 18.17-36.08(%) solubility respectively. The chemical composition of flour from different millet varieties ranged between 6.85-7.30% for moisture content, 0.35-2.14% ash, 1.99-3.45% fat, 6.63-11.80% protein, 1.98-3.48% fibre, 74.34-82.71% carbohydrate, 1.61-3.46% sugar, 69.76-78.47% starch, 21.70-23.43% amylose and 76.57-78.30 (%) amylopectin. The pasting properties of millet flours ranged between 45.13- 191.34 RVU for peak viscosity, 71.92-190.75 RVU trough, 154.96-471.55 RVU final, 109.84-280.21(RVU) setback, 5.03-5.44(min) pasting time and 49.88-50.60oC, pasting temperature respectively. This property of the millet flour shows good nutrient composition that would provide better opportunity for their use in product development and value addition.

Keywords: Flour, millet, chemical, functional, pasting.

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How to Cite


Eke-Ejiofor, J, Oparaodu, F.O. (2019-09-16). "Chemical, Functional and Pasting Properties of Flour from Three Millet Varieties." *Volume 3*, 3, 15-21